I just updated the «mobile interface» in WordPress, in order to present a simplified and low-bandwith consuming version of the blog.
Have fun!
I just updated the «mobile interface» in WordPress, in order to present a simplified and low-bandwith consuming version of the blog.
Have fun!
Today, I needed to use my «forgotten» Dropbox Account (which I had, but didn’t use).
First of all, you need a Dropbox Account, if you have none yet, get a free account here !
It is really easy to get it to work in openSUSE with KDE (for gnome there is a package called dropbox-nautilus), just type in a console:
sudo zypper in dropbox dropbox-servicemenu
Execute dropbox command:
The first time you execute it, the program will download the «proprietary daemon» (it’s an automatic process) and let you configure the necessary parameters to run the program.
After that, an icon should appear at your system tray:
By clicking in that icon, you will get to the folder you previously configured to be synced.
Have fun!