Exam Taken

Yesterday I took my first exam in the new degree I’m studying, it’s been about Statistics. It’s amazing when it’s taught as an interesting subject, and not tons of boring formulae (that you’ll never need if you use statistical-oriented software). The subject covers from Linear Regression (Simple and Multiple), and Principal Components, Correspondence, Discriminant and Cluster analysis. It is really interesting when they tell you what’s the utility.

Some more exams are to come on January (4 in fact), so I’ll have little time to update.

I’ve also done some advances learning some C++ programming, but nothing special (just learning the syntaxis and special aspects).

have fun!

New Plans

Having to work on mornings, and studying in the afternoons, leaves not much spare time, so I have to plan how to spend it…

I’ve been thinking about improving my final thesis code, to make the interface fancier, and improve some functionalities BUT I have an already started project, which is going to take longer because it involves learning C++/Qt, and this is a challenging task!!!

I will publish further advances in the thesis aspects, as the other project is still in «planning phase», such as interface pictures or some pieces of code.

Have fun!

How to exit from your app, or kill it

Get an Activity Manager, and then ask for a package restart:

ActivityManager m_activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Activity.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);

And that’s it, it just works.

I know its not recommended, and that it’s against activities lifecycle, but sometimes it is necessary for your app.

Have fun!